AI powered Apps

Enhance your make-up experience with our range of cutting-edge tools

Introducing our revolutionary Foundation Finder: no more guessing when it comes to finding your perfect foundation shade. Our new online tool is here to make the process simple and stress-free.

Find your perfect shade

Not happy with your current foundation shade? Or maybe you're on a quest to find the ideal match for your unique skin tone? Look no further! With our easy-to-use tool, you can complete a short shade quiz that covers your skin tone, coverage preferences, and desired finish. This valuable information, combined with our scientific skin tone captured via a selfie, enables us to pinpoint your precise match from our extensive collection. It takes a few seconds and you can try it on virtually to check if it works for you.

Gone are the days of trial and error or relying on generic recommendations. Our Foundation Finder provides a personalized skin tone/undertone analysis, ensuring that you discover the perfect foundation shade exclusively for you. Gain confidence and enhance your natural beauty with ease. Why settle for anything less than perfection? Unveil a radiant complexion and achieve an outstanding finish effortlessly. Start your journey to makeup perfection today with our Foundation Finder.

Most asked questions about Foundation Finder

This tool can be accessed via the "Find my foundation" button at the top of the page. You can also access it via a number of pages on the website, in particular on the pages dedicated to foundations.

Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Dieses Tool steht allen zur Verfßgung. Wir speichern keine persÜnlichen Daten oder Fotos, da wir Rßcksicht auf deine Privatsphäre nehmen (siehe Nutzungsbedingungen). Natßrlich kannst du gerne Screenshots deiner persÜnlichen Looks mit deinen Freund:innen teilen.

The vast majority of our foundations are available in the Foundation Finder App.

For confidentiality reasons, we do not keep any photos of your foundation try-on. However, you can create wishlists in which you can add the products you have selected and save them in your Kiko account for easy retrieval. 

1/ Data Controller: KIKO S.p.A., with registered address at 24122 Bergamo, via Giorgio e Guido Paglia n. 1/D, VAT Number 02817030162, Fiscal Code 12132110151(the “Data Controller”). 2/ Data Protection Officer (DPO) Email address: 3/ Personal data processed: By "Data," it is meant your personal data as well as: • The IP address collected when you use the solutions “Instant Makeup Try On”, “Foundation Finder” and “Skin Pro Advisor” of our provider Revieve Oy (the “Solution Provider”); • Your image which allows us – through an algorithm of our provider Revieve Oy – to analyze some information as well as your phototipo, skin and to return you these results when you use the solutions Foundation Finder and Skin Pro Advisor of our provider Revieve Oy. 4/ Purpose of the processing A) For Beauty Services through the Solution Provider (Instant Makeup Try On, Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder): your IP address is processed to grant the right use of beauty services of the Solution Provider. B) For Beauty Services of our provider (Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder): your image is processed for a hyper personalized beauty brand-experience through an algorithm, including recommendations powered by a selfie-based skin diagnostic and skin care analysis by means of Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder. C) Legal action or defense in court: to establish, exercise, and/or defend the rights of the Company in legal proceedings. Legal base for the processing A) Legitimate interest of the Data Controller or third parties regarding the right performance of the services, provided that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring personal data protection do not outweigh them, taking into account the data subject's reasonable expectations and the activities strictly necessary for the operation of the website and navigation itself. Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the GDPR. B) Consent, given by subjects who are at least 18 years old. Art. 6, par. 1, letter a GDPR. C) Legitimate interest of the Data Controller or third parties regarding the right of legal action or defense in court, provided that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring personal data protection do not outweigh them. Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the GDPR. Data retention period and nature of data provision A) Duration of the browsing session related to the Solution Provider (Instant Makeup Try On, Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder). IP address is not stored.

Nature of provision: necessary in order to perform the service by the Solution Provider (Instant Makeup Try On, Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder). B) For the time which is technically required for providing the services. Your image and other personal data are not stored.

The Data Controller will only keep track of the consent that the user may give, as required by law.

Nature of provision: optional and totally free. If you do not give the consent, you will not be able to use the Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder. C) In the case of a legal dispute, for the entire duration of it, until the expiration of the terms for the filing of appeals.

Nature of provision: necessary. The refusal must be balanced against the legitimate interest of the Data Controller. Upon expiration of the abovementioned data retention periods, personal data will be destroyed, cancelled or anonymised according to the technical cancellation and backup procedures of the Company. 5/ Provision of personal data The provision of data for purposes A) and C) is requested by the Data Controller based on its legitimate interest, but you can always object to the processing as indicated in this notice.

The provision of data for purpose B) is optional. Refusing to provide the data will not allow you to use beauty services Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder. 6/ Categories of recipients/recipients of personal data The data may be processed by external entities acting as independent data controllers under Articles 4 and 24 of the GDPR, including but not limited to authorities and supervisory and control bodies, as well as, in general, public or private entities authorized to request data, consulting companies and/or professional firms and/or professionals, such as legal, tax, and insurance companies, and social media channels.

The data may also be processed on behalf of the Company by external entities designated as data processors appointed in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR, to whom appropriate operational instructions are provided regarding the correct processing of your personal data. These entities essentially fall into the following categories, for example: Revieve Oy, the provider of the solutions Skin Pro Advisor and Foundation Finder, companies offering website maintenance and development services, social media channels.

Your data may be processed by employees of the Company's business units responsible for pursuing the aforementioned purposes, who have been expressly authorized to process the data and have received appropriate operational instructions in accordance with Article 29 of the GDPR. 7/ Transfer of personal data to countries outside the european union Considering that the activities of the Company are performed at a global level, personal data could be transferred to countries inside or outside the European Union, therefore to companies (including affiliates of KIKO S.p.A.).

It is understood, in any case, that the transfer of personal data to countries located outside the European Union (including the USA) will be carried out in accordance with Articles 44 and following of the GDPR, implementing safeguard measures aimed at ensuring an adequate level of data protection during the transfer of your personal data, including:

• Adequacy decisions adopted by the European Commission concerning third countries that ensure an adequate level of protection.

• Data transfer agreements that incorporate the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses, which our service providers operating in the United States adhere to.

• Additional measures required by applicable regulations and/or competent authorities' orders. 8/ Your right as data subject - complaint with a supervisory authority By contacting the company and the DPO at the address, you have the right to obtain the access to your personal data (article 15), request their rectification (article 16), their erasure in the case provided by the law (article 17) or restriction of their processing (article 18). Furthermore, pursuant to article 20 GDPR, with reference to the purposes of processing based on the contract or consent which are performed via automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the Company if technically feasibile. Pursuant to article 20 GDPR, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data based on legitimate interests. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time writing an email at The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal in any way. Finally, you have the right to object about the processing based on legitimate interest pursuant to article 21 GDPR and you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the member state where you reside, work, or otherwise habitually stay, or where the alleged infringement has occurred. 9/ Update of the information notice The Data Controller reserves the right to amend/update the present information notice at any time. For this purpose, you will find here below the date of the last update.

Last update: March 15, 2024

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